Soya Products for food processing industry

Defatted toasted soybean flour
Defetted moderately toasted soybean flour
Defatted toasted soybean grits
Defatted moderately toasted soybean grits
Textured soy protein mince
Textured soy protein coarse
Textured soy protein chunks
Low fat moderately toasted soft soybean flour
Low fat moderately toasted soft soybean flour light
Low fat full toasted soft soybean flour
Full fat soy grits
Low fat completely toasted hard soybean flour
Full fat modestly toasted soft soybean flour
Full fat soy grits
Full fat modestly toasted soya bean breakage
52% proteins, 2% fats
52% proteins, 2% fats
52% proteins, 2% fats
52% proteins, 2% fats
52% proteins, 2% fats
52% proteins, 2% fats
52% proteins, 2% fats
52% proteins, 6% fats
52% proteins, 6% fats
51% proteins, 6% fats
52% proteins, 6% fats
52% proteins, 6% fats
41% proteins, 25% fats
40 % proteins, 23% fats
40% proteins, 22% fats
Soya Products
Soya products have occupied their rightful place in a diet in combination with meat, vegetables and cereals, or serving as an excellent replacement for meat for those consumers who take special care of healthy and economical nutrition. The use of soybean products make a diet more diverse and healthier. Products made of soybean contain no saturated fatty acids that cause cardiovascular diseases. The use of soybean products has a dietetic and preventive function, while it has certain therapeutic effects for people with diseases. VitaSoy products are used for the preparation of various dishes – from starters to desserts.
Soybean Flour
Soybean flour is added to wheat flour in the ratio 1: 9 and mixed dry. This mixture is used for the preparation of bread and pastry, cakes, sour dough, doughnuts, pancakes, etc.
Soybean Minced
Soybean flakes are hydrated in warm water to which spices have been added (or in a soup) as desired, in the following ratio: two portions of liquid are added to one portion of soybean flakes. Hydrated flakes in combination with minced meat or vegetables are used for the preparation of various dishes: stuffed paprika, meat balls, croquettes, hamburgers, moussaka, etc.
Soybean Chunks
Boil one portion of chunks for 10 minutes in seven portions of water to which spices have already been added as desired, and then drain them. Then they can be used independently, i.e. they can be poached or in combination with meat to prepare the following dishes: stew, pilaf, moussaka, etc.
Soybean Slices
Boil 100 g of slices in a 1 liter of spiced water until softly cooked. When drained, they are prepared just like meat steaks (poaching, stewing, etc.).
Fried Soybean
Soybean are rich in proteins, minerals and vitamins. In order to make it usable, it must be thermally processed to deactivate substances that are hard to digest. Roasted soybean is used as a snack.
Vegetarian Pates
The main ingredients of vegetarian pates are soybean proteins and sunflower oil supplemented with substances that provide consistency and durability. They are produced in the following flavors: neutral, mushroom, tomato, paprika and hot paprika. They have low calorie levels and are especially useful in a fasting period as they have no ingredients of animal origin.
Soybean Lecithin
Soybean lecithin is a natural mixture of phosphatides that are active in many metabolic processes. The use of lecithin facilitates the exchange of substances and slows down the aging of cells. As it lowers the cholesterol level, it reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. It has a favorable effect on the nervous system as it contains holins. The daily recommendation is 10 to 20g of soybean lecithin taken in the evening.
VitaSoy is a natural nutritional powder-like product for preparing instant drinks on the basis of soybean lecithin. It contains soybean proteins, lecithin, honey, malted barley extract, powdered milk, sugar, cocoa and flavor. It is a valuable source of nutrients and makes a top quality drink. It can be used by people of all ages and it contributes to the body’s better functioning. Preparation: Mix two tablespoons of VitaSoy in 2 dl of milk or water.